AnatomyStudy_Pt 2 (Breakdown)

All the elements that go into the eye setup.

All the elements that go into the eye setup.

Material settings for all the different eye elements.

Material settings for all the different eye elements.

How eye_inner and eye_outer are created and combined to create the full eyeball setup

How eye_inner and eye_outer are created and combined to create the full eyeball setup

important features of "eye_inner"

important features of "eye_inner"

important features of "eye_outer"

important features of "eye_outer"

All texture information for eye_inner & eye_outer was extracted from a single color map from 3DScanStore

All texture information for eye_inner & eye_outer was extracted from a single color map from 3DScanStore

Over the years, I’ve benefited from other people’s breakdowns and tutorials, and I figured it was my turn to share some of what I learned during this project.
Technically, I recognize that this setup isn't the most physically accurate eye setup possible, but I found it gave me a LOT more flexibility and control, while still managing to look pretty good, even when rendering close-up images.
Hopefully it will be useful to someone.

November 8, 2024